Julia Eunhwa Lee, LPC, NCC, CAMS-II, CAC-CIT
I am a fully licensed professional counselor who has been in clinical / counseling training and practices for over ten years.
My education and training empower clients with various tools to help one over-whelming feeling of anger issues and heal the straining relationships with family and friends as well as break free from the bonds of addiction. I offer a genuine and caring approach all the while maintaining a professional attitude.
Language: Korean and English
My Story
I see children as young as 5 years old with behavioral issues, anxiety, depression, etc and provide them with an environment incorporating play therapy to make the experience enjoyable while making changes. Play therapy offers use of many toys, games, art, etc to help the child communicate their needs nonverbally and express their thoughts and feelings.
I am also trained in EMDR for adults who may have experience trauma that have been repressed for years. With my gentle approach, I will make sure that you have established a safe place in therapy and within yourself to explore the painful experiences you have experienced to hopefully bring you to a place of peace moving forward in life.
Through all the training and certifications that I have received, I have a large toolbox to pull from no matter what client comes through my doors.
I provide counseling and education in both Korean and English.
저는 이중 언어(한국어-영어)가 가능한 상담가이며, 분노상담 전문가입니다. 저는 불안, 우울증, 분노조절, ADHD, 적응장애, 외상 후 스트레스 장애를 포함한 다양한 정신건강 문제를 가진 아동-어르신내담자와 함께 일하고 있습니다. 제 열정은 인생의 전환기를 통해 사람들을 돕는 것입니다. 저는 자기 실현을 향한 여정에서 내담자와 가족들, 지지자들을 돕는 편견 없는 가이드가 되는 것을 목표로 합니다. 저는 귀하를 알아가고 귀하의 지원자 시스템에 추가되는 기회를 갖는것을 기대합니다.
Various issues can be addressed as follows.
Adult personal and marital counseling: mood, anxiety, anger, compulsion, panic, addiction, social fear, interpersonal problems, family problems, etc. 성인 개인 & 부부 상담: 우울, 불안, 분노, 강박, 공황, 중독, 사회공포, 대인관계 문제, 가족문제 등
Child and Adolescent Individual Counseling: Career and Aptitude, Exploring Values, Attention Issues, Attachment and Emotion 아동및 청소년 개인 상담: 진로 및 적성, 가치 탐색, 주의력 문제, 애착 및 정서문제
Parenting , Group Counseling 부모교육 워크샵 및 그룹 상담: 분노, 자존감, 건강한 부모역할 등
Education and Training
M.S. Clinical Mental Health Counseling (Mercer University, Atlanta)
NCC (National Counseling Certificate)
CAMS II (Certified Anger Management Specialist)
Certified Addiction Counselor CIT ( Counselor-in-Training)
Addiction Counseling Specialist Internship 4,000 hours: TANGU, Inc.
State Certified DUI Instructor (Georgia)
M.A.Course in Social Work (Graduate school of Soongsil University, Korea)
Special Course complete (Play therapy, Psychodrama, Art therapy)